Financial Education Course


Upon completion of the program, the students shall be assessed
through Multiple Choice Question
(MCQ) and awarded certificate of completion.

About Financial Education Course

Financial education course teaches about knowledge, skills and attitudes that you need to have in order to acquire and practice money management skills in order to become financially smart.

• Understand the role of financial discipline as crucial block in life’s success.
• Demonstrate understanding of financial concepts, techniques and products for divers needs our life cycle.
• Commit to develop positive money habits that set you on the path of career success.

The whole modules requires a total of 5 days from 9 am to 12:30pm.
The course starts from 26th May to 31st May 2021.


Andalusia Training Center at Mafia and Swahili Street, Building no 60, 4th Floor.

The course fee shall be Tzs 40,000 only. Register before 25 May 2021.

In case of any inquiry, contact us through at +255788329670 or +255787710719
Visit: us on Facebook and instagram @Abrarsolutions.