Constructive And Reformative Leadership At The Time Of Covid-19


Ten years ago, I travelled to land of my grandfather-Hadhramawt, Yemen. What I saw is still fresh in my mind particularly towns, city and citizens that I interacted with. Among those which I saw was an old school building turned into historical site in Gheil Bawazir. On top of main entrance of this building, there are wise words that impressed me because the message is universal and very important for all who dream to or are leaders world over, they read “He who wants to be our leader, let him be our bridge” and on the other side facing football pitch written “The man is well known by his deeds.” The first statement reminds us what constructive and reformative leadership is all about and the second, remind leaders that only deeds will judge them at the end of everything.

Building bridges (infrastructure) and reforming HM&D (hearts, minds and deeds) on one side and abstention from mischief in all its forms are two side of the same coin of the reformative leadership that the human community needs to develop. Such leaders, born or made, should be developed, nurtured and supported.

World history has recorded unmatched reformist leaders though rarely acknowledged in leadership discourses. The most outstanding of all of them is Prophet Muhammad may peace and blessing be upon him. Those who studied him, Prof Rao, Prof. Jules, Michael Hart, G.B Shaw and many others, acknowledge his massive contribution to reform the world. Just one quote from Prof Jules may suffice to emphasize this point.

“Leaders must fulfill three functions…provide for the wellbeing of the led, provide social organization in which people feel relatively secure and provide them with one set of beliefs….Perhaps the greatest leader of all time was Mohammed, who combined all the three functions.”

Characterizing Reformative leadership.

Modern leaders be in the political, social or corporate class, propagates several claims and one we hear often is ‘reform’, ‘revolution’ or ‘reinvention’. Deep observation (through their deeds), reveals they are after power and domination, pomp and glory as well as splendor of the world takes over them. Once in office, their title matters, the protocol matters, the office fixtures and fittings matters, their salaries matter to the level of being “untouchable”, “unmatched” or “un-criticized.”

However, Prophet Muhammad and so is Caliphs after him, used to be one among common individuals. Their share of wealth was as much as that of ordinary individual. Not after wealth and plenty. Just piece of bread was enough to satisfy their hunger. One mouthful of water sufficed to quench their thirst. For them fasting or hunger was dear than a full stomach. Their dress was so meagre that covered the necessary parts of the body. They walked on the statement “the leader of people is their servant who quenches their thirst first and he is the last to drink”. They were worried and warned from their book that “Those who disbelieve take their comfort in this life and eat even as cattle eat and the fire is their habitation.” (47:12). “Doomed is the slave of the world, the slave of money and slave of dress.”

In short, they possessed four qualities:

  • Powerful resolution: To serve God and or by serving the creatures of God by means specified by God. They don’t fall victims of weakness or vacillation
  • Steady loyalty: Resolution is tight fistedly held and they stay away from fickleness and betrayal.
  • Valuable sacrifice: Contribute through sacrifices without miserliness or desire of getting more of the wold
  • Fundamental beliefs: Firm faith to God, the master they serve and high confidence in Him so that they may not waver from the right path, impervious to unending and unjust bargaining and may not be deceived by anybody. the following injunction is before them “if God is your helper, none an overcome you” (3:160).

Reformist Leader and COVID-19 Challenge.

COVID-19 present a huge challenge to all leaders but to reformist leaders, the path is known which is designing correct course of action in order to serve God’s creatures. Their action is on the following:

  • Provide for the wellbeing of the led.  At government level, reformist leader knows it is time to engage more especially with the less fortunate and vulnerable groups by; providing food assurance, shelter and medical care and all essentials that is needed. At corporate level, safety measures are enhanced, employment security is guaranteed and employee and family support is assured. At community and family level; brotherhood is entrenched, care and support is provided and stay at home is enforced. Remember, we are brothers and sisters despite manifest differences of shape, tribe, color or language.
  • Provide social organization. Reformist leader organize every effort to ensure maximum benefit reaches targeted communities or individuals at the right time with zero wastage or corruption. Ensure social measure or interventions are properly planned, action taken wisely and delivery is with compassion. Nothing is done with compassion, but beautify it and vice versa is true.
  • Provide them with belief. Inculcate a moral responsibility to carry out self-reflection of our intentions and past / future actions, propagate firm belief to one God and hope for better future despite the current sufferings. It is said “However, long the night will take, dawn must rise.” Finally, we must restore relationship with our Creator by fully embracing the call made by Prophet of Islam centuries ago, “O people, seek forgiveness from your Lord. For I seek forgiveness 100 times in a day.”

No doubt, much can be said on above three action zones. However, if we awaken reformist leadership among us, then we stand more chances to adopt a better course of actions and embrace less or zero harmful solutions.

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