Halal Tourism Potential To Tanzania.

The President of Tanzania, H.E Mrs. Samia Suluhu Hassan has demonstrated remarkable ability to provide transformational leadership that the country needs. Recently, She kicked off a recording of Royal Tour documentary to promote Tanzania and her touristic attractions to the world.

The social – economic potential of Tourism in developing and developed markets is well known due to its own long chain of value creation. The benefits of Tourism goes from the farmers to the animals or the object of attraction. It is the source of foreign earnings to the country. It creates employment to the youth as well as boost local trade.

Tanzania Tourism Policy.

According to Tanzania Tourism Policy of 1999, Tanzania tourism potential ranges from her wildlife resources, spectacular landscapes and sceneries, water bodies and beaches, diversity of Tanzania cultures and numerous archeological sites. The royal tour documentary seems to have come timely to crystallize these potentials.

The policy notes several objectives of promoting Tourism in Tanzania such as promoting the economy and the livelihood of the people as well as making Tanzania a favored tourist destination for touring and adventures. To achieve its objectives, strong partnerships and connections between private and public sector is critical particularly in product development and marketing. One important area for product development and marketing that requires country’s attention is Halal Tourism or Muslim Friendly Hospitality.

Halal tourism and its potentials.

Halal tourism concepts entails tour packages and destinations that are particularly designed to cater to Muslim considerations and needs which even non-Muslims can enjoy such as halal food, halal transportation, halal hotel, halal logistics, Islamic travel packages, Islamic archeological sites and halal spa among others. Halal tourism is credited with positive impacts of Tourism rather than the negative side effects of it.

According to the State of the Global Islamic Economy Report in 2019, $189 billion of spending in Muslim-friendly travels, which $1.8 billion of it spent by Muslims. The market in this sector is estimated will reach to $274 billion in 2024. Global Muslim Travel Index projects that “as international borders are expected to open up gradually in the latter part of 2021, it is estimated that Muslim Visitor arrivals will reach 26 million in 2021. It is also projected that the Muslim travel market will recover up to 80% of the 2019 levels in 2023.”

Given the size of the market and its potential, several countries have strategized to include Halal Tourism in their tourism product ranges. These countries includes Malaysia, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Indonesia, Maldives, Taiwan, UAE, South Africa, UK, Thailand among many others.

Tanzania as Muslim friendly destination.

Tanzania needs to develop and promote Halal Tourism given its massive potential to the country. Given the existence of infrastructure and few private sector players for Halal Tourism in the country, Global Muslim Travel Index report of 2021 shows that out of more than 150 countries, Tanzania scored 50 rank as a Muslim friendly destination as well as in the top 20 list of non-OIC destination of choice for Muslim travelers. In East Africa Community members states, Tanzania ranks number one, followed by Kenya and Uganda. Where as in SADC countries, Tanzania rank number 2, next to South Africa, which rank number one and 32 rank globally.

A lot needs to be done to grasp full potential of Hala Tourism in the country particularly in areas like Zanzibar, Dar es Salaam, Arusha, Tanga, Mafia and Kilwa, among other places. Currently, we need continuous collaboration and linkages between the private and public sector in developing and marketing of Halal tourism products, developing human resources as well as putting in place necessary infrastructures to nurture and support Halal tourism.

We at ABRAR CONSULT invites stakeholders from the private and public sector to come together in order to have joint-deliberations to develop and market Halal Tourism in Tanzania Mainland and Zanzibar. On this note, let us remind each other what Nelson Mandela had said “It always seems impossible until it is done.” Do you part!

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